Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

How to Design A Family Bathroom

Sharing one family bathroom between four or more people means you will require a clever design that can cater for so many needs. While you might tires want an elegant or luxurious bathroom, you will probably also need somewhere to store toys, with a durable design that will withstand regular best car use and maybe even a little chaos.

Nevertheless, to get your bathroom design just right and you will buick be able to create a space where children can enjoy, before transforming into a relaxing haven where you can chill out and find a little calm after the storm.

Storage is one of the most important considerations in a Edmunds family bathroom. The last thing you want when you are about to relax and unwind is to come across a mass of toys on the floor. 

Consequently, If you have the space, choose extra-wide vanity units. Not only will these amount to double the storage space, they will also look fantastic. Or, for smaller rooms, try a built-in cubbyhole. A peg rail or string shopping bags are also great decluttering options.

If you want to ensure that your bathroom is decorated with the whole family in mind, why not opt for a splash of colour? A printed blind and bright accessories will instantly transform a utilitarian bathroom into a child-friendly haven. Choose a theme the whole family will love, such a nautical colour scheme. A coastal design with plenty of storage options will bring a fun and frivolous element to any bathroom. For more seaside inspiration, check out our nautical bathroom ideas gallery.